Privacy Policy

  1. General Provisions Privacy Policy

    1.1. The international commercial company ON SPOT LLC GROUP understands that the Client (hereinafter – you, the Client) wishes to keep his personal data, as well as all information provided to the Company (hereinafter – to us, the Company) confidential.
    1.2. The company creates all conditions so that the processing of your information is as safe as possible.
    1.3. The company makes every effort to ensure the privacy of its customers.
    1.4. This Privacy Policy (hereinafter – the Policy) reflects the procedure for the collection, processing, use and storage of confidential information of the Client in the process of using the Company’s website, applications, and other platforms on the Internet to receive the Company’s Services.
    1.5. It is hereby determined that the Client’s consent to the terms of the Service Agreement is at the same time an agreement with all the provisions of the Policy.
    1.6. It is believed that the Client has read the Policy, agrees with its points, and all further
    decisions (actions) of the Client express full agreement with this Policy and its possible
  2. Types of information
    2.1. Customer’s Personal Information – information that allows you to identify the Customer (his Personal Data), including:
    2.1.1. Registration data;
    When registering on the Company’s platform, you will need to provide the information requested by the Company by entering it in the appropriate fields (name, phone, contact details, address of residence and registration, password, account currency, etc.).
    2.1.2. Supporting documents;
    The Company reserves the right to verify the Client, i.e. request from him documents necessary in the opinion of the Company confirming the identity of the client, his solvency, legal justification of his ownership of funds, his location (payment documents, documents confirming the address of residence, banking, tax documents, etc.). The Company may also request documents confirming the Customer’s experience in conducting trading operations and determining its Risk indicators.
    2.1.3. Your devices data; We are talking about the personal data of the Client, which the Company can receive from various devices of the Client. For example, information about your geolocation, personal (unique) identifiers, IP addresses, etc.)
    2.2. Depersonalized information – the so-called undetectable information about
    customers, which may become available in the process of obtaining the services of the Company. The company does not identify customers whose depersonalized information is being processed.
    2.2.1. Technical information – information about the software and devices that you use when performing operations (domain, language used, browser type, type of operating system, etc.). The purpose of collecting such information is to improve the performance of the Company’s server, providing the most convenient option for interaction.
    2.2.2. Analytical information – information about your use of our applications, servers, etc. Based on this information, the Client’s activity of the Company is determined (client clicks, views, recording time spent on a particular page, your other actions). Such information is necessary for the Company to correct various errors, system flaws, as well as to analyze your use of the Company’s platform.
    2.2.3. Statistics – The Company may collect, structure and transmit depersonalized information to other Clients. Such information may include the history of your transactions, the type of the most popular (profitable) asset, the best time to complete transactions, etc.
    2.2.4. Anonymous information – The Company has the right to classify information in such a way that it does not allow you to specifically identify you (or summarize information about all Clients). In this case, the Company has the right to use such statistical information and disclose it without any restrictions in the part of the Policy.
  3. Information use by the Company
    3.1. The information referred to in Section 2 of the Policy includes, including the Personal
    Information of the Client.
    3.2. Your Personal Data may be used by the Company for the following purposes:
    3.2.1. providing you with Company Services (trading services, creating a trading account,
    assessing your experience and risk level, etc.);
    3.2.2. creating your individual Account for using the Company Services;
    3.2.3. identification (authentication) of access to the services of the Company;
    3.2.4. notifications of you about Company updates;
    3.2.5. promoting our product and site, as well as promoting products and sites of our partners;
    3.2.6. response to your inquiries, applications;
    3.2.7. detecting violations of the law, legal norms, as well as other abuses;
    3.2.8. monitoring compliance with legislation, legal norms, as well as policies and rules of the Company;
    3.2.9. enforcement of a court decision (court order), as well as other state bodies (including control and supervision);
    3.2.10. correction of errors in the work of the Company’s services;
    3.2.11. advertising;
    3.2.12. pursuing a policy to improve the functioning of the services of the Company;
    3.2.13. identifying the interests of customers;
    3.2.14. preventing fraudulent transactions (including money laundering, financial terrorism, etc.).
    3.3. The company does not transfer your confidential information, except as provided by law and this Policy (including does not sell it to third parties, does not rent it out and does not use it for such purposes). The personal data of the Client can be disclosed to the authorized representatives of the Company in order to:
  • improving the services of the Company (providing assistance during operations);
  • combining information materials in accordance with the marketing policy of the Company;
  • your identification (identity authentication);
  • analysis of the work of the Company’s service, identification and correction of errors,
  • verification of your account;
  • storage and processing of such data in the interests of the Company.
    Company proxies may include partners, subsidiaries, service providers, and other related
    The Company reserves the right to disclose confidential information of the Client in cases
    that, in the opinion of the Company, are necessary and sufficient, being guided by the
    principles of reasonableness and fairness. For example,:
  • in order to comply with the operations of Clients in accordance with applicable law, legal
    standards, as well as the policy of the Company itself, as well as to identify any kind of
    offenses and / or abuses;
  • in order to fulfill the requests of the judiciary and other public authorities;
  • in order to prevent illegal, fraudulent actions, as well as timely measures to eliminate
    identified violations;
  • in order to avoid causing any kind of harm (property, material and other) to the Company
    itself, its customers, and also to other parties involved;
  • in order to protect the rights and legitimate interests of the Company (including the
    protection of the intellectual property of the Company), as well as legal protection against
    any kind of claims directed to the Company.
    3.6. The Company collects, stores and processes only the information that it receives from
    the Client in the process of rendering its services.
    3.7. The Client understands and agrees that, by switching to other sites, trading platforms,
    the rules of the respective sites and trading platforms will be applied to him. The client
    agrees to independently familiarize themselves with the privacy policies of other companies.
    3.8. The presence on the Company’s website of any links to other companies is not a reason
    to believe that the Company recommends following (using) these links. The company is not
    responsible for the information offered by third-party sites, companies, applications and
    services. The Client understands and acknowledges that this Policy does not apply to such
    sites and links, and any operation carried out as part of such links is the responsibility of the
  1. Information retention period
    4.1. The customer has the right to make changes to personal data at any time by sending
    a corresponding request to the Company’s email:
    4.2. The Client is also entitled to report any errors in his personal data identified by him or
    to ask the Company to delete this data. An exception is the history of transactions made by
    Clients, as well as other information that the Company undertakes to keep in force of
    applicable law. Similar requests are also sent to the e-mail of the Company:
    4.3. In case of non-receipt of the Client’s notification in accordance with clause 4.1.-4.2 of
    this Policy, the Company reserves the right to store information about the Client for a period

    that it considers necessary, guided by its own goals and interests (taking into account the
    norms of the current legislation, fulfillment of the user agreement, rendering services, the
    functioning of services, enforcement of contracts, etc.).
    4.4. The Company has the right at any time to edit or delete inaccurate and / or irrelevant,
    as well as incomplete information provided by the Client.
  2. Data protection
    5.1. The company uses specialized technologies and security standards to maintain the
    confidentiality of Clients’ information and protect it from unauthorized access by third
    5.2. At the same time, the Company is not responsible for the actions of third parties who
    have obtained access on illegal grounds, as well as illegally using the services of the
    Company. A company cannot guarantee that it will be able to prevent or prevent such
    unauthorized access in a timely manner.
    5.3. If the Client has noticed any sign of disclosure of his confidential information (leak)
    not in accordance with this Policy and / or has suspected unauthorized access by a third
    party, the Client has the right to contact the Company’s representatives via email:, the essence of the situation should be described in detail .
  3. Cookies
    6.1. Cookies are a data set that includes an anonymous and unique identifier that is sent
    to the Client’s mobile phone or other device from the Company’s website. When visiting the
    Company’s website, pages viewed by the Client and cookies are downloaded to his device.
    6.2. Cookies are stored on the Client’s device.
    6.3. Cookies have the function of an anonymous identifier in case of repeated visits by
    the Client to the Company’s website, and also allow you to determine the most popular
    pages of the Client’s request. Such files enable the Company to create the most effective site
    interface in order to maximize convenience for the Client.
    The client has the right to block access to the cookies on his device. However, the Company
    does not guarantee uninterrupted operation of all functions of the Company’s service. Your
    online session may be limited.
    The Company’s website uses the following types of cookies:
  • Permanent (they are not deleted when the browser is closed. They are used only by the
    Company’s website and for a certain period of time. This type of file allows the Company to
    identify who you are and to display your preferences in your next activation);
  • Session (when closing the browser they are deleted. They are stored temporarily and only
    with the browser open);
  • third parties (Installed by third-party services for the purpose, for example, of analyzing and
    monitoring your access).
    6.6. Cookies do not allow you to be identified. At the same time, information obtained from
    such files is associated with your confidential information that is stored by the Company.
  1. Advertising
    7.1. During the use of our service, you may come across advertising information,
    including targeted advertising.
    7.2. The company reserves the right to attract third parties to disseminate the
    information specified in clause 4.1. Policies, as well as transmit to such persons
    depersonalized customer data in order to evaluate the success of advertising campaigns
    and identify the needs and interests of our customers.
  2. Marketing
    8.1. The Company has the right to use your personal data, both independently and with
    the involvement of third parties under the contract, in order to provide you with information
    (promotional) materials about the Company’s services, as well as about the products and
    services of the Company’s proxies (partners, affiliates).
    8.2. The Company also has the right to use your personal data in order to familiarize you
    with various marketing offers that, in the opinion of the Company, may interest you and be
    useful to you. Similar offers may be made by affiliates of the Company.
    8.3. The client has the right to refuse to receive the information specified in clause
    7.1.-7.2. of this Policy. To do this, send a corresponding request to the Company’s email
    address ( In this case, the Company removes the Customer’s email
    address from the mailing list. At the same time, the Company does not guarantee that the
    Client will cease to receive various kinds of marketing information from the Company’s
    affiliates. The client may need to make a separate unsubscribe from the marketing
    communications of such individuals.

    8.4. The Client hereby understands and agrees that when authorizing and gaining access
    to the Company’s services, the Company has the right to collect, process and store the
    Client’s information, as well as transmit it to its dependent (trusted) persons in order to
    familiarize the Client with marketing campaigns.
  3. Significant Corporate Actions
    9.1. In the event that the Company concludes a corporate transaction for the sale of a
    business (part thereof), or in the economic process of consolidating the business capital of
    the Company (merger), as well as in the case of sale of fixed assets (part thereof), etc. – The
    company has the right to transfer personal data to authorized third parties. Affiliate
    organization accepts the rights and obligations of this Policy.
  4. Final Provisions
    10.1. The company has the right to amend the provisions of this Policy.
    10.2. The client guarantees that he will follow the updates of the Policy, which is always
    freely available on the Company’s website.
    10.3. Information about the company:
    International commercial company ON SPOT LLC GROUP.
    Company Email:
    Address: Main Street, P.O. Box 625, Charlestown, St. Kitts and Nevis.